Enjoy a boat ride from Brighton Marina, take a peaceful walk through the Glades at the crematorium or visit the natural beauty of Cissbury Ring to scatter your loved one’s ashes in a place that is special to them.
Scattering ashes in Worthing
For many people, scattering ashes is a deeply personal moment. It can be a really meaningful way to say goodbye and it’s important to take time to plan ahead and ensure you choose the right location for you and your loved one.
While some people choose to keep ashes at home in an urn, many people scatter ashes around natural beauty spots, usually places that have special memories attached to them.
Scattering ashes is a great way of honouring your loved ones and in the UK people are generally allowed to scatter ashes anywhere. This can be along a river, in the sea, under a tree, at the beach or even on private land.
To scatter ashes in the sea or in a river then you do not need to have permission but there are some guidelines to follow and it’s recommended you seek advice from the environmental agency. For places inland it’s generally safe, but there are guidelines in place to protect nature and permission may need to be granted from the land owner.
As Worthing is so close to the sea and the countryside, there are many places for families and friends to scatter ashes, from the South Downs to the ocean in a boat ride from Brighton.
Find your funeral director in Worthing who will help you arrange a cremation and give you ideas of a meaningful place to scatter your loved one's ashes.
Learn about scattering ashes
Many people are unsure about what to do with ashes once they receive them. You might decide to scatter them somewhere meaningful. This how to scatter ashes guide gives you some ideas, as well as explaining the best ways to scatter them.
The Glades at Worthing Crematorium
Worthing Crematorium has three glades dedicated to scattering ashes. The Spring, Summer, and Autumn glades are named after the season in which that they bloom.
The natural meadows are only cut twice a year to encourage rare plants to grow, and visitors will see wildflowers such as Lady orchid, Oxeye daisies, and the Balm-leaved archangel. The Spring glade boasts flowers like daffodils and narcissus, while the Summer glade is home to flowering shrubs like lilac and buddleia. The Autumn glade is best known for its trees, which look their best in the autumnal months.
If you’d like to scatter your loved one’s ashes at Worthing Crematorium, get in touch with the staff who can support you through the process. You can choose to be present for the scattering, and you can choose whether you’d like to scatter the ashes yourself, or if you’d like an attendant to help. If you choose not to be present, the crematorium team can scatter the ashes on your behalf.
A boat ride from Brighton Marina
Scatter your loved one’s ashes at sea by taking a boat from Brighton Marina into the waters of the English Channel. Several companies offer dedicated ash scattering services which involve taking you and your family and friends out to sea, where they will stop the boat and turn off the engine, allowing you to say goodbye in your own time.
Some companies may also offer the option of playing your chosen music as you scatter the ashes, so you can listen to your loved one’s favourite song as you say goodbye.
A water-soluble, biodegradable urn would be an ideal option for scattering at sea. The urn floats in the water before breaking down and gently releasing the ashes into the water.
The Cissbury Ring
The Cissbury Ring is a historic hill on the South Downs, just north of Worthing. From the top of the hill, you’ll be able to see beautiful sea views stretching to the chalk cliffs near Brighton, and on a clear day, you could even see the Isle of Wight.
The hill is home to a variety of rare plants that attract butterflies, and in the spring and autumn, you could encounter a variety of migratory birds.
The Cissbury Ring is a National Trust site, so you will need written permission before scattering your loved one’s ashes. The National Trust does not have a formal policy on scattering ashes, but they often approve requests. Their staff can also advise you on where best to scatter your loved one’s ashes, and where to avoid scattering ashes to protect wildlife.
There are lots of different ways you can store or scatter ashes
If you don’t want to keep ashes in your home, this what can you do with ashes after a cremation guide will give you some other suggestions of what to do with them. If you’ve decided to scatter them, this how to scatter ashes article can give you some ideas on how to do it.
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