How to update or amend a will
Our unlimited changes that you can get with your will make it quick and easy to update it in the future. Here, we look at how it works and why it's so important to keep your will up to date.
Over 30 million adults in the UK are putting off writing a will. And one of the main reasons is that they're worried they'll have to pay to make a new will in the future. So rather than writing a will that protects their family today, they end up putting it off for years.
At Farewill, we understand that life can change in a matter of seconds. That's why we make it easy to update your will anytime in the future. By logging back into your account, you can use our online will writing service to update your will from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
When should you update your will?
It's recommended that you update your will every two years. This is to make sure that any changes in your circumstances are reflected in your will. This includes things like:
You have a new child
You get engaged, married or divorced
You move house
You buy or sell any property
You inherit money or property
One of your executors, beneficiaries or guardians dies
You want to change who is inheriting your estate
You want to add a specific gift or message to someone you love
Inheritance tax legislation or the law governing wills changes
How to update your will with Farewill
After writing a will with Farewill, you can log back into your account at any time to update your will. Simply navigate to the section you want to update and make your changes. Then, when you're done, click the button on the summary page to send your will for checking.
After your updated will has been approved by our will experts, you'll need to print and sign it again alongside two witnesses before putting it away somewhere safe. To avoid any confusion for your executors in the future, it's also important that you destroy your old will.
How much does it cost to update a will?
If you write a will with a high-street solicitor, you may need a codicil to change your will. This is a separate document that costs about £70 each time. If you want to make more significant changes to your will, most high-street solicitors would recommend making a new will instead, which can cost hundreds more.
If you write your will online with Farewill, our subscription service offers unlimited updates for just £10 a year. It’s important to update your will when circumstances change, so our subscription service can save you hundreds of pounds.
Good reasons to update your will include:
starting a civil partnership, getting married or divorced
becoming a parent or grandparent
moving home
a significant change in your financial situation
the death of an executor or beneficiary named in your will
I already have a will. Can I update it with Farewill?
If you already have a will from a solicitor or another provider, there's a high chance that they'll ask you to pay if you want to change or update it. In some cases, this could end up costing over £150 – and you still won't have an easy way to update it in the future.
If your old will is out of date, you could make a new will for just £100 by using Farewill’s online will writing service. This would then allow you to update your will anytime in the future for just £10 a year. And remember: once you’ve printed and signed your new will alongside two witnesses, it’s important that you dispose of your old will to avoid confusion for your executors.
You can read more about the cost of a will and how to write a will.
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Who can witness and sign a will?